Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Congratulations Ryleigh for being Miss. Pickett's special person! Ryleigh is an amazing writer. She has a creative mind and a great imagination for detail. Ryleigh is a very talented artist. She is able to draw pictures and create paintings that are true master pieces. Ryleigh has a very kind heart. She always comes in wearing a smile and ready to learn. Ryleigh loves taking on hard math challenges in the classroom. She is one bright "math smartie"!

Ryleigh, I am so proud of all the hard work you do! You are a gem and you brighten my world every single day with your kind hearted personality. I am so glad that I get to be your teacher! You are going to go amazing places in life with your hard work ethic! Keep it up sunshine! You are a star!

Love, Miss. Pickett

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